Die Menschheit hat die Faust im Nacken! Kriege und Zerstörung, religiöse Fanatiker und die Gier einiger weniger, dazu Hass und Ausgrenzung in den sozialen Medien. Getriggert von all dem humanen Abschaum liefert der Belgier Johan Van Roy sein vielleicht bis dato härtestes Album und feuert bei Songs wie „Bang bang bang“ oder „Kill All Humanity“ aus allen Rohren. Versöhnliche Töne kommen einzig von Charlotte Nuytkens, Finalistin der belgischen Ausgabe von „The Voice“, die in „Land Of Roses“ immerhin kurzzeitig ein bisschen heile Welt verbreiten kann. Ein kleiner Funke Hoffnung in einem ansonsten martialischen Terror-EBM-Biest. Schaut euch das Video hier nochmals an: https://youtu.be/vIxJsU3NQd8 Folgt der Band online: www.facebook.com/IIXIII ************************************************************** Mankind is doomed! Wars and destruction, religious fanatics, and the greed of a few, combined with hate and exclusion on social media. Triggered by all the scum of humanity, Johan Van Roy delivers what is perhaps his heaviest album to date and releases musically monsters like “Bang bang bang” or “Kill All Humanity”. Conciliatory tunes are only coming from Charlotte Nuytkens, the finalist of the Belgian edition of „The Voice“, who can at least bring a glimpse of an ideal world in „Land Of Roses“ – a tiny glimmer of hope in an otherwise martial terror-EBM beast. Watch the previous video again here: https://youtu.be/vIxJsU3NQd8 Follow the band online: www.facebook.com/IIXIII Tracklisting: GODDESTRUKTOR CD1 01 KILL ALL HUMANITY 02 I’D DIE FOR YOU (v2.0) 03 GOD OF DESTRUCTION 04 JESUS FREAK 05 STERBEHILFE (EUTHANASIA 2021) 06 DESTROYER OF WORLDS 07 LAND OF ROSES 08 BANG BANG BANG 09 SIN 10 TRICK OR TREAT 11 BUNKERB!TCH (CENSORED) CD2 01 God of destruction – Cryo remix 02 Sterbehilfe – Rob Dust remix 03 I’d die for you – Assemblage 23 remix 04 Jesus freak – Dead When I Found Her remix 05 Bang bang bang – C-lekktor remix 06 Bunkerb!tch – F U C K B O T remix 07 Jesus freak (die in agony) 08 Sterbehilfe – FGFC820 remix 09 Destroyer of worlds – Nano Infect remix 10 Kill all humanity – Tactical Sekt remix 11 I’d die for you – Elektro Terapi remixCD3 01. Bind, torture, kill 02. God is in the rain (book of lies V2.0 – club mix) 03. The pain that you like 04. Unterwelt 05. Love breeds suicide 06. Desire 07. Die motherfucker die 08. Dein herz, meine gier (short club v1.0) 09. Cause of death: suicide (final count 2009) 10. Hellraiser (psychopath 01 version) 11. Death cures all pain (suicide edit) 12. Better off dead (driller mix) 13. See you in hell 14. Attention whore 15. Save me (remix)CD4 01. SUICIDE 02. INDUSTRIAL UNDERGROUND 03. INCINERATE 04. T.V. OBSESSION 05. COME TO ME 06. KEVORKIAN 07. DISPOSABLE PARADISE 08. BODY COUNT PROCEED (2007 RE:COUNT) 09. HATE ME 10. UNTIL WE DIE (SINGLE EDIT) 11. BODY MACHINE BODY (DEMO VERSION) 12. MY NEW CHRIST Vinyl 2LP/12“ A1 Kill all humanity A2 I’d die for you (v2.0) A3 God of destruction A4 Jesus freak B1 Sterbehilfe (euthanasia 2021) B2 Destroyer of worlds B3 Land of roses B4 Bang bang bang C1 SIN C2 Trick or treat C3 Bunkerb!tch (censored) D1 Belief D2 Bang bang bang (single version) D3 Jesus freak (die in agony) D4 Kill all humanity (short and painless) MC A1 Kill all humanity A2 I’d die for you (v2.0) A3 God of destruction A4 Jesus freak A5 Sterbehilfe (euthanasia 2021) A6 Destroyer of worlds A7 Land of roses B1 Bang bang bang B2 SIN B3 Trick or treat B4 Bunkerb!tch (censored) B5 Belief B6 Bang bang bang (single version) B7 Jesus freak (die in agony) B8 Kill all humanity (short and painless) ![]() |

SUICIDE COMMANDO – Goddestruktor – Release 22.07.22
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