Announcement of DRACONIAN:“
Dear friends, It is time for some historic news for Draconian . After a decade and a year, it is with great excitement we welcome Lisa Johansson back into the band. As most of you know Lisa was our singer on our first 5 full-length albums, but her first work with us was for our 5th and final demo “Dark Oceans We Cry” which was released in 2002, finally leading us to a record deal with Napalm Records later that year. We have remained with them ever since.Heike Langhans (Official) will leave the band with a focus on family and her own musical projects. Although together arriving at this notion we are, needless to say, of course, sad to see her leave. With Heike, we have written and released two enigmatic, truly special albums held in much high regard all over the world. Heike and her voice with its spectacular presence and approach are a large part of that. Yet, we are very much delighted to announce that we will play Hellfest Open Air Festival this June as a 7-piece special arrangement, with both Lisa and Heike on stage. This will be Heike’s final show with DRACONIAN and the perfect opportunity to pass back the torch to Lisa, shining bright together on what will be a very special occasion and at the largest metal festival on the planet. Here you’ll have the chance to firsthand experience songs from ‚Under A Godless Veil‘ in this extraordinary setting. The full show will be streamed live and will also be available for viewing at a later date.We also would like to shed a light on the fact we’re working on songs for a new album, as well as a unique streaming show. Exciting times are ahead, so stay tuned for more news.Heike comments: 10 years with any band is no small thing and I thank Draconian for the wonderful opportunities and challenges that made me confident in my path forward. The time has come for me to start a new chapter in music and life that requires my undivided focus.I’m so grateful to Lisa for being here to step in and seeing the old songs performed in the way they should be, will be as much of a treat for me as the rest of our listeners!Thank you for all the friends and supporting fans I met along the way. I have much more in store for you all this year, so please no sadness 🖤 I wish the band great success in 2022 and beyond! Lisa comments: With great excitement, and with a humble heart I rejoin Draconian. I’m still a bit surprised that Johan called to ask me if I could consider touring with Draconian again. Also that I said, without any hesitation, „Sure, I will!“I wish my newfound friend Heike Langhans – who has the most beautiful voice – all the best of luck and prosperity in her future. I’ll try my best to make her songs justice. See you on the road!