AMARANTHE – The Catalyst – Release: 23.02 24 – Genre: Modern Metal

Pieced together over the last three years, The Catalyst is a self-evident breakthrough moment, and the most exhilarating and idiosyncratic record AMARANTHE have ever made.

AMARANTHE have always been original thinkers and maverick songwriters, but never with as much power and panache as they demonstrate this time around. Both their finest album to date and a collection of songs that deftly redefine every aspect of the Swedes’ sound, The Catalyst is destined to propel its creators ever higher up the modern metal ladder.

For Olof Mörck, it represents the culmination of 15 years of hard work and the breathless pursuit of a wholly original musical vision. Change is inevitable. Victory is assured (NB)

Stream here the Album on Spotify (or on all other digital Platforms):

Watch here the latest Music Video: