Metal Goth-Rock Band OCTOBER NOIR Unleash The Inner Demons with their latest music video „A Halo Hung From Horns“

Released for the New Year, October Noir ventures into the territory of cheesy horror and antics, with influences from films such as Evil Dead and The Exorcist, „A Halo Hung from Horns“ portrays the physical adaptation of the lyrical content that explores the two-faced nature of humankind that presents themselves as an angel and savior to their partner, only to discover their true nature as an absolute demon, betrayer, and conniving deceiver that merely grips onto their lover to drain them, use them, and ultimately leave them when their next victim arises. 

Filmed in the mountains of Georgia, „A Halo Hung from Horns“ devises comedic moments from a certain magazine that causes the possession to a well-renowned puke scene, to dance choreography in efforts to exercise the demon. The moral of the story? Never take yourself too seriously.

For more information on October Noir please visit:

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