TEMPLE OF DREAD release the third and final single ‚Asebeia‚ taken from the East Frisians‚ forthcoming new album „Beyond Acheron„, which is scheduled for release on August 11, 2023.
Please see below for cover art, tracklist, and further details of „Beyond Acheron„.
The title ‚Asebeia‚ derives from the Ancient Greek word ‚ἀσέβεια‘, which translates as „godlessness“ or „sin against the gods“, which was a crime in the classic world.
The track ‚Asebeia‚ is available here:
TEMPLE OF DREAD comment: „The new single ‚Asebeia‘ is the shortest song that we’ve ever written“, guitarist Markus Bünnemeyer explains. „It hits you with two minutes of full speed ahead – and makes no compromise, which is the quintessence of Temple of Dread! Lyrically, ‚Asebeia‘ revolves around the pleading of a godless man.
Jens Finger – vocals
Markus Bünnemeyer – guitars, bass
Jörg Uken – drums, key