What the first advance track, ‚Deathlike Silence‘, began thematically is now continued in ‚When The Fire Dies‘: The third single from „Skinwalker“, the new studio album by Finnish-Australian metal quartet The Eternal (The drummer from Amorphis is part of it) which will be released on June 28, 2024 via
Reigning Phoenix Music , painfully explores the darker corners of its soundscape.
Complemented by the cello playing of Dutchwoman Elianne Anemaat (CELESTIAL SEASON) and the vocals of Russian Emily Saaen, with whom the band has previously collaborated, the track brings the foursome’s doom sensibilities to the fore while telling an emotionally charged story.
The track’s poetic content is supported by an eerily beautiful band video, depicting the inner transformation and renewal sung about amidst the ashes of dying flames.
Watch the official ‚When The Fire Dies‘ video on YouTube:
Stream/get the track: